Would it be good idea to write down bad thoughts? Maybe to tell psychologist? To help brake down how I’m going to overcome it? I can maybe start seeing a pattern in my negativity thoughts? Or I could add positive ideas/ thoughts about the issues?
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Yes, it is a good idea to wrte down negative thoughts. Now I am going to tell you why?
Rememeber that your true nature is full of bliss and peace. These so called bad thoughts are coming due to past situations in your life. So when you write them you can see them in a detached way.
Think that these belong to your old nature and like old clothes you have to throw them out.
You may also experience that most of these thoughts are irrelevent and unnecessarily repeating due to the old habit.
After writing them in a piece of paper, tear it down or burn it.
You may observe a pattern, but do not dwell on it.
The most important exercise is to write positive thoughts as you have written in your question and focus on it, rather concentrate on it minimum 3 times a day.
When you stop entertaining negative/bead thoughts they leave your mind.
If at all they come ( they linger for a while outside your mind in the atmosphere) due to some weak or unguarded moment don't pay attention. Remain indifferent, as if they are not yours.
Practice the above steps and you will have a peaceful mind.
i wish you all the best. Do keep in touch.
Would like to be with you and help you in your journey of well-being.