If you are going to blood pressure issue Team Yaha sends wellbeing prayers to you. Do not worry. Everything will be fine.
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Prayers for wellbeing
Public·21 members
Wellbeing prayers for all those who are suffering from heart disease. Take care of your mental and emotional health.
Wellbeing prayers for all those who are fight diabetes. Team Yaha prays for your fast recovery and healthy life.
Lord, help me come to my senses. I want to see my life as You do. Sometimes the excitement and euphoria that I so fervently pursue blinds my ability to think straight. I let things come between You and me, and as a result, I haven't spent the time with You that I should. I do not want any addictions or idols to come between us. Give me the Strength, Love, and Power to make You the most important person in my life. In Christ's name I pray, amen.
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Team Yaha sends wellbeing prayers for you and your family.